Pets and Spouse Pecking Order

My Mom always sends me articles she thinks I'd enjoy. The other day she sent me a clipping of a Dear Abby column she read in her paper.
A husband wrote: "My wife is a pug nut. She has two ugly dogs, and she lets them sleep with us. The dogs snore and break wind all night and she thinks it's cute. If I snore or break wind, she tells me it's annoying.She dresses these dogs in expensive gowns and pearls. Now she expects me to drive them 1,200 miles to our vacation home, while she flies. She also wants to buy a third dog. What do I do?"
I had to laugh out loud at this one! Gowns? How does a dog wear a gown! Pearls? Okay, even for me that's way over the top. Of course, The Boss thinks I focus a bit too much on the pets, but not even I would ask him to drive dogs 1,2000 miles while I flew in comfort! Sounds like this guy is totally whipped!
But there are many ways pets are better than spouses. For one, they never poke around at their food complaining. They are thrilled to be served the same exact meal twice a day. For another,they don't talk, so you can never have a spat. The Boss would love it if I were a a dog or cat in this respect, because I can never hold my tongue and have been unable to do so since I learned to talk. I got my haired pulled in kindergarten for talking during story time. That was back in the day when a teacher was still allowed to smack you around if you needed it!
And The Boss would always get miffed if I called from a solo trip to Pennsylvania and immediately asked about the pets before anything. That's rational. I knew he was alive and kicking because he answered the phone! And besides, he knew where I was, but the pets did not. But it never failed to annoy him. That's one thing I'm very good at.
So, any stories about how spouses rank in your pet-filled homes?
Above photo is of Daisy's little dog Bennie, who is my Mom's pride and joy. Mom treats Bennie like the King of the castle. Anything bad he does is blamed on the influence of Murphy, the family's second dog who came to them when Daisy's father-in-law died. Bennie was adopted by my Mom from Inge Irby of Second Chance & Happy Tails when she was here visiting several years ago. It's the place to go if you want to adopt a small-sized canine king of your own.
posted by Sandy at 3/26/2008 10:55:00 AM
When I was pregnant with Emily, several ladies at my husband's work bet my husband that I would get rid of Jake, Nikki & Charlie once the baby was born. Mark gladly accepted the bets & replied, "Are you KIDDING me? She would drop MY a55 off at Animal Control before anything ever happened to those dogs!" He ate free for a week straight collecting on those bets. And, here we are 5 years later with a 2nd child... and STILL our 3 (now elderly doggies). And, we manage to take walks around the neighborhood with the entire clan in tow too... it CAN be done. Getting rid of a pet due to having a baby is a load of CRAP! The secret is TRAIN them (both dogs & kids) so that YOU are the one running your household, not them! :)
Who has the highest rank at our house? Are you kidding me? Sandy, you already know the answer to that question,LOL. Our entire household revolves around the girls. Right now I also have the grand doggie I'm baby sitting for a couple of weeks. The cats are not real crazy about her so have to make them behave and not hiss and growl at her so much.
Fly Boy gives me a hard time and complains that I get too far gone and carried away over the girls sometimes but when I'm at our daughters and we talk on the phone, guess who puts them on the phone for me to talk to? And Brittany is Daddy's kitty too, has to lay in his recliner with him. HE pats the place beside him and says"com on up and sit with me Britty Kitty." Also Penelope will fuss at him when she wants his attention, she fusses at him till he starts scratching her head and ears. He's really a softie under the tough guy exterior.
Hey did anyone else remember to send Skeeter a get well card today? And tomorrow is her birthday too.
Hi All,
Well, I was out of contact for almost a week and have a lot of reading to catch up on. My Grandmother passed away last Saturday, so I made the long trip back to CO through airport hell!
I sure did miss a lot while I was gone. Skeeter having surgery. That stinks! I hope your feeling better soon.
I don't have time now to update my blog account, but will get right on that. I would hate to miss out.
I hope everyone else is having a better week than Skeeter and I!
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