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Pet People

Thursday, March 27, 2008

SKEETER, The Leaf-Chronicle, and Smoking Cats

Well, the switchover to the new Web site is supposed to happen any minute if things go as planned. So,if one day (or hour) soon you can't read this here, it means I will be there, as soon as the blog is set up there. It will be a little different than for the other blogs, as I have a few of you who also post topics. So don't fret, we'll all find each other again! I hope you all checked out the beta site and signed up for your screen names. Alice did, and she can tell you it's very easy! You can check out the blogs already there to see how the set up is. Blogs appear in a menu bar at the top of the page when you place your cursor over the "Opinion" link, though some will cycle through and be listed on the front as promos.

Can you believe Skeeter might be rendered silent for a bit! She's had tonsil surgery! The Boss recently said when I was sick and taking my temperature that the thermometer was the only thing that could shut me up and that I should take my temp more often. I bet the Saint is living in silence too, since Skeeter probably has a sore throat! AND, a little birdie told me that today is Skeeter's BIRTHDAY! So wish her a happy one! We hope you are feeling better Skeeter and can't wait to hear all about your ordeal!

In honor of her birthday I posted a photo of Sheba drinking out of the bathroom sink. The Saint taught the cats how to do that. He thinks it's funny,but Skeeter said one day she noticed as one of the cats was drinking her butt was rubbing against his toothbrush in the holder on the sink! Ha ha! Still laugh when I think of that.

Pam sent me an article about the effect of smoking on cats. No, cats' can't smoke,but smoking around cats is not good for them. Of course, it's not good for anyone, man or beast, but it seems cats are extra sensitive. Cat owners know how cats can be with respiratory issues. Here's what it said:

"Secondhand smoke poses risks for every member of the family, cats included. Research suggests that living with one smoker in the house doubles a kitty's risk of feline lymphoma, the most common cancer in cats, which kills 75% of its victims within a year of diagnosis. The risk triples when exposure to secondhand smoke occurs for 5 or more years, and quadruples with two smokers in the house.

"Cats get a double whammy from secondhand smoke because they inhale the carcinogens AND they ingest them when grooming. Protect your cat's health by making the inside of your home a smoke-free zone."

So the only butts that should be in your house are the ones rubbing against your toothbrush! Ha!

posted by Sandy at 3/27/2008 10:23:00 AM


Blogger Steve sculpts critters said...

I quit smoking a bit before we had he-home our cats due to my wifes super bad allergies.
If anyone wants to quit the book that did it for me was Allen Carr's Easyway to stop smoking.
Worked like a charm.

Thursday, May 15, 2008 8:37:00 PM  
Blogger Eve said...

My DH stopped smoking a year ago. It took a near heart attack (four stents in his heart) to scare him into it. I have a darling little cat at my feet right now and two others on the side porch. They don't stay inside much but I did worry about them and my little dog, Solo, breathing all that smoke. I do believe second hand smoke is not only bad for you, but for your animals. So, this is a much healthier household now. DH doing fine.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 7:40:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

happy Valentine for all of you !!! Kathrin, Bremen Germany

Friday, February 12, 2010 2:04:00 AM  
Blogger walk2write said...

Hello, all, and especially Skeeter. Sorry you're sick, old girl, and hope you feel better soon. Happy Birthday, btw!

Regarding cats and secondhand smoke, I can see now why the cats we had when I was growing up always disappeared after about a year or so. My dad smoked. Maybe that also explains why I got married so young.

Friday, April 01, 2011 8:43:00 AM  
Blogger Cambay Hotels & Resorts said...

Skeeter leaf chronicle and smoking cats. Amazing information that you have shared.

php web development

Friday, March 16, 2012 6:53:00 AM  
Blogger Naturegirl said...

I see that you have some spam comments above! I fixed that with turning ON word verification.

Smokers ..cant's say anything positive about them.YES second hand smoke is horrible for the innocent bystanders who don't have a voice!!Grrr.
Skeeter I loved your comment on my recent post!When it comes to animals we are kindred spirits!
Thank you for coming by my blog.
Wishing you a Happy B.Day and speedy recovery. I'm sure your fur babes are with you Purr-ing!
P.S. My Ms. P. drink water from the master bedroom toilet! I assure you that I keep it clean, in fact I now use toilet on main floor.
You know the old saying: Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.
purr-Zzz =^.^=

Wednesday, May 01, 2013 11:16:00 AM  
Blogger troutbirder said...

We finally got a rescue dog. It's going well so far. I'm not sure how your new set up works but hope to be able to se it...:)

Monday, March 03, 2014 6:34:00 AM  

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Pet People

Sandy Britt, an animal welfare advocate and volunteer with Clarksville rescue organizations, takes care of three dogs: Zoe, Scooter and Peanut; two cats: Catfish and Tarzan; and one husband, Glen, and according to him she takes care of them in that order.

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